
Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Miraculous Story of Archangel Raphael in the Book of Tobit | Divine Healing and Protection

Tobias and Archangel Raphael

The story of Raphael in the Book of Tobit begins with Tobit, a devout and righteous Israelite living in exile in Nineveh. Tobit is known for his acts of charity, such as burying the dead, but he faces misfortune when he becomes blind after a bird drops dung into his eyes. This sudden blindness causes great distress for Tobit and his family, leading him to pray to God for death.

Angel Raphael and Tobias

Meanwhile, in another city, a young woman named Sarah is also praying for death. She has been married seven times, but each husband was killed on their wedding night by the demon Asmodeus. Desperate and heartbroken, Sarah prays for relief from her plight.

God hears the prayers of both Tobit and Sarah and sends the archangel Raphael to help them. Disguised as a human, Raphael takes the name Azariah and offers to accompany Tobit's son, Tobias, on a journey to recover money that Tobit had deposited with a relative in Media.

Tobias and Sarah

During their journey, Raphael guides Tobias in catching a fish from the Tigris River. Raphael instructs Tobias to keep the fish’s heart, liver, and gallbladder, explaining that these parts have medicinal properties. Tobias obeys, unaware of their future significance.

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Upon reaching Media, Raphael arranges for Tobias to marry Sarah, despite her tragic history with her previous husbands. On their wedding night, following Raphael's instructions, Tobias burns the fish's heart and liver, producing smoke that drives away the demon Asmodeus. With Raphael's protection, the demon flees to Egypt, where Raphael binds him.

Wedding Night of Tobias and Sarah

After the wedding, Raphael and Tobias return to Nineveh. Tobias uses the fish's gall to cure his father's blindness, restoring Tobit's sight. Overwhelmed with joy and gratitude, Tobit praises God for His mercy and goodness.

Only then does Raphael reveal his true identity as one of the seven archangels who stand before God. He explains that he was sent to test and ultimately heal Tobit and Sarah. Raphael ascends back to heaven, leaving Tobit and his family rejoicing and praising God for His intervention and blessings.

Archangel Raphael

The story of Raphael in the Book of Tobit highlights themes of faith, divine providence, and the healing power of God's angels.

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