
Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Miraculous Story of Joshua Making the Sun Stand Still: A Biblical Miracle Explained

Joshua in the Bible

The Miraculous Event of Joshua Making the Sun Stand Still

Did you know that in the biblical account found in Joshua 10:12-14, Joshua prayed to God during a battle against the Amorites, asking for the sun and moon to stand still? According to the narrative, God granted Joshua's request, causing the sun to stop in the middle of the sky and not set for about a full day. This miraculous event extended the daylight hours, allowing Joshua and the Israelites to achieve a decisive victory over their enemies.

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Understanding the Context

To fully appreciate this miracle, it is important to understand the context. Joshua was leading the Israelites in their conquest of Canaan, and they found themselves in a crucial battle against a coalition of Amorite kings. As the battle raged on, Joshua feared that nightfall would give the enemy an opportunity to regroup and escape. He needed more time to secure victory.

Joshua made the Sun stand still

Joshua’s Bold Request

In a moment of faith and desperation, Joshua prayed:

"Sun, stand still over Gibeon, and you, moon, over the Valley of Aijalon." (Joshua 10:12)

According to the Bible, God responded to Joshua's prayer:

"The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the Lord listened to a human being. Surely the Lord was fighting for Israel!" (Joshua 10:13-14)

Sun and Moon Stand Still

Ancient Understanding vs. Modern Interpretation

Some people point to this story as an example of a scientific error in the Bible, arguing that it reflects an ancient belief that the sun moves around the earth. In reality, it is the earth’s rotation that gives the appearance of the sun moving across the sky.

However, it’s important to understand that Joshua spoke from his own perspective and understanding of the world. He observed the sun moving across the sky and asked for what he needed in that context. The Bible recounts his request accurately from his viewpoint.

God’s Response: A Divine Miracle

Proponents argue that God, understanding Joshua's intent, performed the miracle according to what was required. The request for the sun to stand still can be seen as a poetic way of asking for more daylight. God, in His sovereignty, could have halted the rotation of the earth or employed another method to achieve the same result. The focus of the passage is not on the mechanics of the miracle but on the fact that God intervened powerfully on behalf of His people.

Joshua: sun and moon Stand still

Theological Implications

This event highlights several key theological points:

  1. God’s Sovereignty: The miracle underscores God’s control over the natural world. He is not bound by the laws of nature He created and can intervene in extraordinary ways to fulfill His purposes.

  2. Faith and Prayer: Joshua’s bold prayer demonstrates the power of faith. He asked for what seemed impossible, and God honored his faith. This encourages believers to trust in God’s ability to do the miraculous.

  3. Divine Support: The story reaffirms that God supports and fights for His people. The Israelites were not alone in their battle; God was actively involved in ensuring their victory.


The story of Joshua making the sun stand still is a powerful reminder of God’s omnipotence and His willingness to intervene on behalf of His people. While the specifics of how the miracle occurred may be debated, the central message is clear: God listens to the prayers of His faithful and has the power to alter the course of nature to accomplish His will. This event, recorded thousands of years ago, continues to inspire faith and trust in God’s sovereign power.

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