
Monday, June 3, 2024

The First Account of Creation. Genesis 1 to 2 verse 3. (Telling Bible Story from Genesis to Revelation)

God the creator

Genesis Chapter 1 describes the creation of the world by God in six days. Each day, God creates different parts of the world, culminating in the creation of humans on the sixth day. The chapter emphasizes the orderliness and goodness of creation.

Detailed Breakdown:

Day one,  God created heaven and earth

Day 1 (Genesis 1:1-5)

Verses 1-2: God creates the heavens and the earth. Initially, the earth is formless and void, and darkness is over the deep, with the Spirit of God hovering over the waters.

Verses 3-5: God says, "Let there be light," and there is light. God sees that the light is good and separates it from the darkness, naming the light "day" and the darkness "night."

Day 2 God created the firmament

Day 2 (Genesis 1:6-8)

Verses 6-8: God creates a dome (firmament) to separate the waters above from the waters below, calling the dome "sky."

Day 3, God created dry land and Vegetation

Day 3 (Genesis 1:9-13)

Verses 9-10: God gathers the waters under the sky into one place so that dry land appears, calling the dry land "earth" and the gathered waters "seas."

Verses 11-13: God commands the earth to produce vegetation: plants yielding seed and trees bearing fruit, and sees that it is good.

Day 4, God created Sun, moon and star

Day 4 (Genesis 1:14-19)

Verses 14-19: God creates lights in the dome of the sky to separate day from night and to mark seasons, days, and years. These lights are the sun (to govern the day) and the moon (to govern the night), along with the stars. God sees that it is good.

Day 5, God created fruits and vegetation

Day 5, God created birds of the air

Day 5 (Genesis 1:20-23)

Verses 20-23: God creates the creatures of the sea and the birds of the air. He blesses them, saying, "Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let the birds multiply on the earth."

Day 6 (Genesis 1:24-31)

Verses 24-25: God creates the animals on the earth: livestock, creeping things, and wild animals, each according to its kind, and sees that it is good.

Day 6, God created Land animals

Verses 26-28: God creates humanity in His image, both male and female. He gives them dominion over the fish, birds, and every living thing on earth. God blesses them and commands them to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth.

Day 6, God created man and woman

Verses 29-30: God provides all seed-bearing plants and fruit trees for food to humans and all green plants for food to the animals.

Verse 31: God sees everything He has made, and it is very good. This completes the sixth day.

Day 7, God rested

Summary (Genesis 2:1-3)

Verses 1-3 (Beginning of Genesis Chapter 2): The heavens and the earth are completed. On the seventh day, God rests from all His work and blesses the seventh day, making it holy.

Key Themes:

  • Divine Sovereignty: God is the supreme creator who brings order out of chaos by His word.
  • Order and Purpose: The creation process is orderly, with each day building upon the previous, showing an intentional and purposeful design.
  • Goodness of Creation: After each act of creation, God sees that it is good, emphasizing the inherent goodness of the created world.
  • Humanity's Unique Role: Humans are created in God's image and given the responsibility to steward the earth, highlighting their unique place in creation.


  • The Power of God's Word: The repeated phrase "And God said" underscores the power of God's word in bringing creation into existence.
  • Interconnectedness of Creation: The structure of the creation narrative reveals the interconnectedness and interdependence of all parts of creation.
  • Sabbath Rest: The concept of rest on the seventh day introduces the idea of the Sabbath, a principle of rest and sanctity that is foundational in Jewish and Christian traditions.

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