
Friday, August 9, 2024

What Happened to the 12 Apostles After Jesus Christ?

The 12 Apostles

The twelve apostles of Jesus Christ played pivotal roles in the early Christian church, spreading the teachings of Jesus across the Roman Empire. After Christ's resurrection and ascension, each apostle embarked on a distinct journey that shaped the early church and its expansion.

1. Peter (Simon Peter)

Apostle Peter

Peter, originally a fisherman, became a leading figure in the early church. He is traditionally believed to have traveled to Rome, where he was martyred under Emperor Nero’s reign around 64 AD. Peter was crucified upside down, claiming he was unworthy to die in the same manner as Jesus.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Why the Bible should not be scientific

Bible and Science

The relationship between the Bible and science is a topic that has sparked curiosity and debate for centuries. As we delve into this discussion, it's crucial to understand that the Bible, while containing timeless wisdom, was never intended to serve as a scientific textbook. In this blog post, we'll explore why the Bible and science operate in different realms of understanding and why this distinction is important for modern readers.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Miraculous Story of Archangel Raphael in the Book of Tobit | Divine Healing and Protection

Tobias and Archangel Raphael

The story of Raphael in the Book of Tobit begins with Tobit, a devout and righteous Israelite living in exile in Nineveh. Tobit is known for his acts of charity, such as burying the dead, but he faces misfortune when he becomes blind after a bird drops dung into his eyes. This sudden blindness causes great distress for Tobit and his family, leading him to pray to God for death.

Friday, July 19, 2024

THE STORY OF NOAH AND THE ARK : A Journey of Faith and Survival (Genesis 5-8)

Noah's Ark

In the book of Genesis, chapters 5 through 8, we encounter one of the most compelling narratives in the Bible—the story of Noah. This tale of faith, obedience, and divine intervention offers timeless lessons that resonate even today.

Noah’s Lineage and Righteousness

Noah was born to Lamech, a descendant of Adam through his son Seth. Genesis 5 provides a detailed genealogy from Adam to Noah, showcasing an era when people lived for centuries. At the age of 500, Noah became the father of three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

The Astonishing Story of Balaam's Talking Donkey in the Bible

Balaam talking Donkey


Did you know that the Bible includes a fascinating story about a talking donkey? This remarkable event is found in Numbers 22:21-33 and involves the prophet Balaam, his donkey, and an angel of the Lord. It's a tale that underscores God's ability to use the most unexpected means to communicate His will and protect His people. In this blog post, we'll delve into the story of Balaam's talking donkey and explore its significance.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Miraculous Story of Joshua Making the Sun Stand Still: A Biblical Miracle Explained

Joshua in the Bible

The Miraculous Event of Joshua Making the Sun Stand Still

Did you know that in the biblical account found in Joshua 10:12-14, Joshua prayed to God during a battle against the Amorites, asking for the sun and moon to stand still? According to the narrative, God granted Joshua's request, causing the sun to stop in the middle of the sky and not set for about a full day. This miraculous event extended the daylight hours, allowing Joshua and the Israelites to achieve a decisive victory over their enemies.

Monday, June 3, 2024

The First Account of Creation. Genesis 1 to 2 verse 3. (Telling Bible Story from Genesis to Revelation)

God the creator

Genesis Chapter 1 describes the creation of the world by God in six days. Each day, God creates different parts of the world, culminating in the creation of humans on the sixth day. The chapter emphasizes the orderliness and goodness of creation.

Detailed Breakdown:

Day one,  God created heaven and earth

Day 1 (Genesis 1:1-5)

Verses 1-2: God creates the heavens and the earth. Initially, the earth is formless and void, and darkness is over the deep, with the Spirit of God hovering over the waters.

What Happened to the 12 Apostles After Jesus Christ?

The twelve apostles of Jesus Christ played pivotal roles in the early Christian church, spreading the teachings of Jesus across the Roman Em...